Permita que las notificaciones de pomf sean notificadas cuando comience una transmisión suscrita.

About es una idea pensada y creada por Iratu, esto es un projecto que a estado en obra desde el 2016 y se ha mejorado lentamente con el tiempo.
La razón principal por la creación de Pomf es la censura (sin motivo) del contenido loli y shota en los sitios de transmisión , incluso si son "SFW", pero aquí se puede transmitir casi todo..

Partes de Pomf.TV son de código abierto, las cosas que son de código abierto se pueden encontrar a continuación.
Servidor de transmisión de chat Pomf.TV:
Pomf.TV Site Languages:

Sitios compatibles con Loli/Shota.
All The Fallen
Little Angels Hentai
ES - Strings missing: 128
There are 607 users using this language! Help translating!
aboutstatistics - Statistics
curusercount - Current number of users
last30days - Registered last 30 days
strmcur - Streams current
streamstoday - Streams today
streamlastmonth - Streams past month
streamtotal - Streams total
curviewers - Current viewers
highviewsingstrm - Highest viewer count on a single stream
server_statistics - Server Statistics
language_statistics - Language Statistics
register_disabled - New account registration disabled, come back later
OPlogin - Login with your Pomf account
banned_user - Banned User
this_user_has_been_banned - This user has been banned.
videoondemand_new - Unwatched
menurules - Rules/ToS
news - News/Updates
helpfaq - Help & FAQ
hide_following - Hide Following
help_stream_settings_1 - For OBS you need to click on the Settings button and go to the Stream tab and set the RTMP url to one of those below, please pick the one that works best for you.
help_stream_settings_2 - Stream Key/Name "<code>%s</code>" which is your username.
help_stream_settings_3 - In the Output Tab set the settings you wish, You should start at 500 bitrate and increase it but you'd have to test this to see if your internet connection can handle it.
helpgallerytitle - How to upload / use the gallery
helpgallery - <a href="/settings/gallery">Click here to go to the settings to start uploading to the gallery</a><br><br><a href="/img/galleryhelp.png" target="_blank"><img src="/img/galleryhelp.png" style="max-height: 400px;" alt=""/></a> <- click image for full size
now - Now
today - Today
tomorrow - Tomorrow
custom - Custom
invaliddate - Invalid date
download - Download
title - Title
reset - Reset
loading - Loading
all - All
links - Links
about_me - About Me
copied - Copied
more - More
back - Back
show - show
hide - hide
streamer - Streamer
bot - Bot
stream_mod - Stream Moderator
site_owner - Site Owner
site_mod - Site Moderator
banned - Banned
reason - Reason
de - German
en - English
es - Spanish
jp - Japanese
pt_br - Brazilian Portuguese
sv - Swedish
zh-cn - Chinese
search - Search
noresultsfound - No results found
noresultsfor - No results for &quot;<span id="hdSearchQuery"></span>&quot;.
searchshowresults - Showing results
profile_not_set_up - User has not set up their profile.
profile_favorite - Favorite Image
profile_stream - Stream Page
profile_links - My Links
profile_stream_history - My Streams
profile_saved_streams - Saved streams
vodtitle - Streamer Recordings
vodunwatched - Unwatched Recordings
vodallwatched - Nothing left to watch!
vodviewall - View All
vodallunwatched - All Unwatched Recordings
vodrecordings - <span class="streamer-history-title">%s's</span> recordings
vodclearunwatched - Clear Unwatched
vod_aired - Aired %s
stream_users - Stream - Users
locked_out - Locked out!
locked_out_reason - You've been locked out of streaming for: %s
locked_out_time_remeaning - Time remeaning: %s
ssclip - Clip Permissions
ssclipsub - Who may create clips on your channel? <i class="text-info">"Nobody"</i> will disable clip creation entirely. You may grant individual viewers /clip access on the <a href="/settings/stream-users">"Stream - Users" page</a>
ssclipmod - Me, clip users & my mods
ssclipstreamer - Only me & clip group users
ssclipall - Everyone, excluding guests
ssclipnone - Nobody, disable clipping
usviewingserverus3 - US3 - Miami
usdisableemotehistory - Emote usage history enabled
usapikeyoverlay - (Don't forget stream overlays if you use them!)
usapikeyconfirm - Yes, I wish to reset
usapikeyexit - No, exit
usapikeywarning - <strong>Warning!</strong> Are you sure you wish to reset your API key? All current streams will end & you will have to use the new key to broadcast.
usapikeytitle - Reset API Key?
usapireset - Reset your API key
usapibuy - Use a vanity API key
usapikeysuccess - Success, your API key has been updated below
usapikeyfail - Error, unable to reset your API key at this time.
vsvoddesc_extra - Add a clickable timestamp by using [mm:ss] or [hh:mm:ss].
vsvodduration - Duration
gstitle_your - Manage your Gallery
reportusertitle - Report <span class="reportthisuser">{{reportthisuser}}</span>?
reportwhat - Report for what?
reportwhatlong - Please describe how {{reportthisuser}} broke <a href="/help#rules" target="_blank">the rules of Pomf</a>:
reportwhere - Where?
reportwherelong - Where on Pomf did the rulebreak happen?
reportinpm - In a PM with me
reportinstream - In a stream belonging to:
reportinstream_placeholder - On which user's stream?
reportinother - Elsewhere (add details below)
reportinother_placeholder - Where on Pomf?
reportrecieved - Your report has been sent. Thank you!
favemotes - Favourite Emotes
streamviewerbanned - You have been banned from viewing this stream by the streamer.
chatinputguestplaceholder - Guests cannot chat.
connection_reconnected - Successfully reconnected to chat!
setsticky - Set a sticky message
stickyplaceholder - Set a sticky/motd message
stickycountdown - Countdown to event?
stickyclear - Clear sticky after event?
stickyeventend - Event will end
mvgrid - Grid View
mvthumb - Thumbnail View
mvrow - Row View
ppbuygalleryslotdesc - Gallery slots, expand your gallery by 25 slots.
ppapidesc - Show your support for & buy the ultimate vanity item, a custom API key!
ppapidescextra - Something only you (& maybe your mods) will ever see. Quite the flex.
ppapititle - Buy a vanity API key?
ppapilabel - Minimum API key length is 16 characters. Only A-Z, 0-9, hyphen & underscore are permitted. Remember, this key acts as a password for your stream, so it should not be easily guessable.
ppapiwarning - <strong>Warning!</strong> This will end any ongoing stream & update your API key. You'll need to use the new key to broadcast.
ppapikeybuy - Yes, I wish to buy this key


Current number of users: 78187
Registered last 30 days: 1394
Streams current: 23
Streams today: 40
Streams past month: 8340
Streams total: 229257
Current viewers: 446
Highest viewer count on a single stream: 29-Mar-2022 350
Server Statistics:

Language Statistics:

German: 229

English: 76553

Spanish: 607

Brazilian Portuguese: 250

Swedish: 13

Chinese: 394

Japanese: 140