Allow notifications from pomf to get notified when a followed stream starts.

An error has occured.string(380) "{"body": "Pomf Error:
Error Code: 16384
Error String: Since twig/twig 3.12: Twig Filter "spaceless" is deprecated in /var/www/ at line 33.
Error File: /var/www/
Error Line: 25
Error Location:", "key": "Chen<3"}" An error has occured.string(380) "{"body": "Pomf Error:
Error Code: 16384
Error String: Since twig/twig 3.12: Twig Filter "spaceless" is deprecated in /var/www/ at line 81.
Error File: /var/www/
Error Line: 25
Error Location:", "key": "Chen<3"}"

Global message history

2023-11-04 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Authentication has been fixed :)
2023-11-04 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Seems something broke the Stream authentication checking it now, for now it is possible to just stream if you're showing as offline give me a poke in my DMS (Iratu)
2023-11-04 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - eh I'll force the refresh
2023-11-04 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - refresh, chat frigging crashed and caused this
2023-11-01 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Next update will break chat for bots, please contact me for info on where to test the update before I release it saturday :)
2023-10-30 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Stream Mods fixed, might need to refresh (the stream mods) to re-appear as a mod
2023-10-30 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Stream mods got bugged, please hold we'll fix it asap :D
2023-10-30 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Site updated, Feature to see bans/stream moderators has FINALLY been added; Only took a few years...
2023-10-30 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - or restarts now~
2023-10-30 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - small site update, shit may crash/act funny please hold chat restart in 10ish minutes :)
2023-10-22 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Clip settings have been added, you can disable or set who can use it. View page and management of clips will be added soon
2023-10-22 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - All deleted 'unhidden' VoDs have been restored as hidden for now, I found out why it was bugged please unhide if you want to keep, the bug with the VoDs deleting the unhidden instead of hidden has been fixed. :chensmile:
2023-10-21 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Clips are working again ^^
2023-10-21 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Clipping*
2023-10-21 (11 months ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Clipipng is temporarily broken while I'm working on it :)
2023-10-20 (1 year ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - new feature added for testing, /clip creates a 1 minute clip this is the first version of this to be added and will receive updates as it goes and a clips page on the site. This command can only be used by Streamers, Stream Moderators and Site Admins for now.
2023-10-19 (1 year ago) - GLOBAL - Totter - The Bot-"feature" was a mistake by some of the pomf-devs (yes we have those :P) but is fixed already, so anyone who still has that bot-icon, please refresh to not become consumed by the AI completley (jk), when Iratu returns he most likely will reset chat for a server-wide refresh.
2023-10-16 (1 year ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - obviously the gallery that was injecting has been deleted so far this hack was done by someone doing injection testing on pomf for a while now, they've reported every hole they found so far.
2023-10-16 (1 year ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Hello, I know there is some confusion & worry about the recent "hack" of pomf, nothing was stolen someone attempted session hijacking this worked only for certain parts of the site due to a XSS injection of the gallery, for now I've deactivated the upload to the gallery so I can release a fix after work.
2023-10-05 (1 year ago) - GLOBAL - Iratu - Please send me some information about US based server hosts the current host just isn't stable enough

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